About GreenPath


GreenPath is a national non-profit committed to improving people’s quality of life through financial wellness.

For over 60 years, the counselors at GreenPath have provided free, individualized counseling, guidance, information and tools to help individuals meet their goals and improve their overall financial health.

No matter where you are on the journey to financial wellness, the financial experts at GreenPath can help you to take control of your day-to-day finances so that you can feel more prepared for the unexpected and take control of your financial future.

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It's About the People

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Westland, MI

"Within 30 minutes I had answers."

"I keep hearing GreenPath. I heard good things about it. I wasn't on that call 10 minutes and I already felt better. This sounds really dramatic, but it's almost like I hit the lottery that day. Within 30 minutes I had answers. She [GreenPath counselor] was having somebody call me back with a plan...by the end of the day. I didn't have to do anything, you guys did all the work. For the first time in probably 10 years, I have a feeling that I would have financial freedom one day."

Issue: Large credit card balances, high interest rates and payments.
Goal: Lower payments and interest, avoid bankruptcy and improve credit rating.
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Detroit, MI

"If you can’t retire a millionaire, you can at least retire debt free."

“Choosing GreenPath is a no-brainer. They're a nonprofit, they have been around a long time. No matter what your finances look like. No matter how bad up to decent, there is always room for improvement...I never regretted it, not for one day using your services. And I highly recommend it. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.”

Issue: Collection debt, low credit scores.
Goal: Get out of debt, increase credit scores, more financial freedom.

The Journey to #bedebtfree

Tanisha and Noah

Jeff and Victoria

More from GreenPath Client Success Stories

Wilmington, NC

When I was doing my research online, GreenPath was rated very well and they seemed straightforward compared to the other ones that I had searched. That's mainly why we chose them almost four years ago. Now, we've completed program and every single one of the reps were A plus.

Battle Creek, MI

I had been paying very high interest on several accts for many years and made many attempts to get the rates reduced. Thank you for helping us get these rates dropped and we made our last payment in Dec, 2020!! Hallelujah! I would recommend you to everyone!

Philadelphia, PA

I was able to cut down every single one of my accounts that I have listed with GreenPath and then get a refund for whatever else was left in my account. For me, with all the hard work, the collaboration and their team being patient with me and whenever I had issues, they were always there to answer the call, I was able to successfully pay off all my closed accounts and get on a better path.

About GreenPath
P.T. Phan
