Free Renter Counseling & Education

Our professional, caring counselors will work with you to assess your situation, explain the options or solutions available, and help you create a detailed action plan.

Collage of people with a woman holding a key to a house.

Renter Assistance Resources

While GreenPath does not directly administer rental assistance programs or offer financial support to renters, we suggest people use the following resources to research rental assistance options.

GreenPath Housing Experts Can Help You Understand the Cost

Housing counseling from GreenPath can help you manage unexpected circumstances, including lost or reduced monthly income, which causes changes in our ability to keep up with rent.


Certified HUD Counselors are Ready to Help You

  • Know where and how to apply for help and assistance
  • Help create or facilitate communications with your landlord or property manager
  • Explore options to take in the face of financial hardship
  • Develop a plan for action that addresses your full financial picture

Call today to talk with a HUD counselor to see what your options are.

A couple sitting on the porch of their home

Housing & Bills

What Lenders and Landlords are Doing to Help

Most landlords have their own policies on help and assistance during this time. Check your landlord’s website for the most up to date information and how to reach out for assistance. You can also check Eviction Lab’s website for the latest eviction policy changes or Just Shelter where you can search over 600 organizations across the U.S. working to prevent eviction and reduce family homelessness.

Phone and Internet

More than 650 companies have signed the Keep America Connected Pledge. Companies who signed pledge:

  • Not terminate service to any residential or small business customers because of their inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • To waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to the coronavirus pandemic.
  • To open its Wi-Fi hotspots to any American who needs them.

You can check the Federal Communications Commission’s website for a list of companies and associations who have signed the pledge.

Other Utilities

Many states have suspended utility shut offs and have made assistance available for people. You can check your state’s announcements and responses here.

Talk to a GreenPath Counselor Today, It’s Free

If you are struggling to keep up with your rent payments, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from eviction. Contact GreenPath. You will get referrals to local, statewide, and national resources. Calls are confidential with no pressure.

A woman sitting at a desk behind laptop with headset on.